If you were going to buy me a cool Mustang what qualitative and qualitative data would you want about the car before you bought it for me? (which I know you will soon)
The Qualitive data tht i would like to now are the color the wheel collor the leather color the stering wheel color and other stuff like that the quantitive would be miles gas car facts and other stuff 2 know about cars...dont worry mr f ill buy u it! :)
You wrote qualitative twice
You are right! Qualitative and quantitative.... Now answer the question!
Mr. F :-)
I will buy you this car when i am rich.
-Garrett Waldner
The Qualitive data tht i would like to now are the color the wheel collor the leather color the stering wheel color and other stuff like that the quantitive would be miles gas car facts and other stuff 2 know about cars...dont worry mr f ill buy u it! :)
Are the wheels new or old
Is the engine working well
Is the paint coming off or not
How many miles has it been driven
What year is it from
How many cubic inches of room is their in the trunk
1. what color
2. how long
3. is it in good shape
4. is it new
5. miles gas
6. miles per hour
But when I'll get a car I will but you one 2!!!
clean windsield and if the car was uesd~renzo~
Hey Mr. Forde! Still going on about that mustang? :D I miss your science class. It's hard this year, but I have another great teacher! Have fun!
-Swathy =]
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