

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who can tell me what the different jobs are of these three parts of the brain?

(HINT: use the online textbook for help.)

Mr. F :-)


Anonymous said...

Cerebrum- It helps you think and decide what to do like pick out clothes or how to answer. Hey, I'm using it now!

Cerebellum- It controls coordination of movement, posture, and balance.

Brain Stem- This is where basic life functions such as heartbeat,blood pressure, and breathing are controlled.

- Richard

Anonymous said...

Mr. Forde, what's the extra credit question???

~thayer ♥

Anonymous said...

Brain Stem~Is where the things you dont realize your doing happen like blinking breathing and your heart beat. you dont say blink breathe digest and heart beat all day.

Cerebrum~ This helps you decide what to do like pick out clothes or choose what you say.

Cerebellum~ This part of the brain controls your movement, balence, and posture.

Those are the 3 parts of the brain!♥Mary

Anonymous said...

cerebrum~were you do all your thinking like what shoes to wear

Cerebellum~ it helps ur balance and movement,and posture

Brain stem~ is were the basic life is like breathing heart beat blood pressure that's were this is controlled.

group: D

Anonymous said...

The Cerebrumm Helps you decidee:) and make choices_i lack that lol

Cerebellum: it controls our every move and the way we walk!

Stem:Involuntary acts are controlled suxch as like swallowing and breathing:)
-Matt F []

Anonymous said...

The cerebrum is where all sorts of thinking takes place. You make descisions and contemplate ideas. The cerebellum helps you move by balancing you and giving you posture & coordination. The brain stem is a vital part of our body. It controls breathing, hearbeat, and blood pressure. We wouldn't be able to live without it.


Anonymous said...

The cerebum is where all of the thinking in your brain takes place.

The cerebellum controls coordination of movement posture, and balance.

Finally, the brain stem is where heart beat, blood pressure, and breathing is controlled.

-Adriana G.

Anonymous said...

The Brain Stem-Is the part in your brain that does things you dont realize your do like breathing, blinking and your heart beat. you dont say blink breathe digest and heart beat all day.

The Cerebrum-This controls your movement

The Cerebellum- is part of the brain controls your movement, balence, and posture.


Anonymous said...

Cerebellum: It is the boss of balance, moving around, where you go and posture.

Brain Stem: It helps you do things you wont even see, hear or even care, like breathing, digesting, blinking, blood pressure or even diabetes.

Cerebrum: This part helps you think and decide. Like what to do now, and picking out what to wear today!

-Hamza Qadri
Group: A1

Anonymous said...

The cerebrum tells you what to say to people
Cerebellum controls how u walk run or stand
Brain stem helps you breathe your heart beat etc...

Picard :)

Anonymous said...

Brain Stem- heartbeat,blood pressure, breathing

Cerebrum-Helps you answer or think about a problem

Cerebellum-balance, posture
Randy Moss coaght the touchdown becase he had a good cerebellum


Anonymous said...

Cerebrum: is what makes you think and decide different choices like perhaps ordering a type of food from a restaurant.

Brain Stem: This is where life functions are such as blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat are controlled by the brain.

Cerebellum: nerve cells that controls the movement of your body.

Name: Elizabeth Sosnovskiy group: B3

Anonymous said...

Cerbellum-Controls Coordanation and balance
Cerebrum-Helps you think
Brain Stem-Thats your heart beat, blood pressure and breathing
~Taylor <3~

Anonymous said...

cerebrum-powers all of your five senses (smell, sight, taste, touch, hear)
cerebellum- controls coordination and balance and posture

brain stem- where basic life is like heart beat, breathing and blinking all of these things are involuntary ( except for breathing at some times ;))

-Arthur Rozin

Anonymous said...

The cerebrum helps you think, dream, and make decisions on your own, like choosing what socks to wear to school. The cerebellum controls functions that balance your body, make you move, and coordinate yourself. I never knew that drunk people staggered because of poisoned cerebellums! Finally, the brain stem is where many inner involuntary functions are controlled, such as breathing.

Anonymous said...

The cerebrum is the part that lets you think and decide things. The cerebellum is the part that controls your coordination, movement, posture and balance. The brain stem is the part of your body that controls basic things like breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure.


Anonymous said...

Thank you this really helped me study

Joe Magnifico