

Monday, October 15, 2007

Illuminating Photosynthesis

Go to this tutorial to review some aspects of photosynthesis!

Clck here

Select Illuminating Photosynthesis from the links on the page.

Mr. Forde :-)


Anonymous said...

Even though photosythesis sounds like a big word it actully isnt.It's a mix of light(energy) into chemical energy by biotic factors. The raw materials are carbon dioxide, water, sunlight. The products include glucoses and oxygen .
Janay Parrott

Jim Forde said...

You go Janay!

Great summary.

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

You know, at first, I thought that photosynthesis was complimpated. Then, when I did the diagram, I found that it really wasn't that hard. It's just this: the plant collects rain water and breaths in carbon dioxide. It breaths out oxygen. It stores sugar, which is called starch or glucose. Potatoes and carrots are the plant's glucose!

Anonymous said...

Photosynthesis is pretty cool its a great way for plants to get energy! What better way than to get energy from the ultimate source, the sun. I do have one question and that is that if the epidermis of the plant or leaf is pealed of how will that effect the leaf or plant?
Gunjan Hooja

Anonymous said...

Since Janay brought up roots, I might as well fill in some science ones:
photo= light (photograph)
synthesis= combining things to get something new (synthesize)
chemo= chemical (chemotherapy
therm= heat (thermos)
auto= self (autonomous)
epi= over, above (epidermis)
derma= skin (dermatology)
hydro/aqua= water (hydropower, aquatic)
ox= oxygen (oxidize)
That's enough for now!Good explanation, Janay.
Cameron Y.

Jim Forde said...

Hi Gunjan,

See this link for another cool leaf image.

Click Here

It appears that the main job of the epidermis is keep the leaf from dessicating (drying out). It also protects the leaf from chemical injury.

See you in class!

Mr. Forde :-)

Jim Forde said...

Not bad Cameron!

Now you know why so many aspiring scientists study Latin!

Keep up the good work.

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has walked across the hot sand barefoot during the summer realizes the great effect the temperature might have on beach and dune inhabitants. ghost crabs, have light body color which serves as camouflage and reduces absorption of heat from sun. Some have hairs, which, in addition to acting as sensory adaptations, help reflect the suns's this relates to why leaves have these special coatings. it has to adapt to it surroundings to know what to keep and what to through out.Do you get it?
Karton Parrott

Anonymous said...

Refering to Karlton-
Maybe the epidermis filters out UV rays kind of like a natural sunscreen. You think that maybe some sunscreens are derived from plant cuticles? It's possible that the UV rays are part of photosynthesis, I'm not sure. Another thing to think about is whether various specialized plants have additional functions in their leaves. Pine needles are radically different and desert animals get their water from plant leaves. Just to complicate things even more- what about the flowers and the fruits? Do they have any role in that? Chew on that, Mr. Parrot, and tell me what you think.
Cameron Y.

Jim Forde said...

Hi All,

Very interesting discussion Karlton and Cameron. Good questoins always move science forward!

As it relates to UV light... see this link for a brief discussion of UV-B light and the potential impact on plants.

Click here

Apparently, if the ozone layer is depleted and UV-B light increases it may not hurt the plants greatly but change the balance between species in the ecosystem.

Why don't we do an experiment where we apply sun screen to the top of some leaves to see the result?

Mr. F :-)