I am excited that we are returning to the Adudubon in Greenwich this week with the remaining Black team students. The B and C group kids will attend! See hte images from last weeks trip in the earlier post.
Last week we saw the first growth of hair (grass plants) on our chia heads! We will start collecting data by measuring a pre-determined blade of grass. We will then compae the growth of the different pants to one another to see if we can draw any conclusions about the effect of differing abiotic factors. Here are some images!
Here is some growth on our control plants.
We must carefully measure the growth in metric units.
The data is transferred to our interactive science notebooks.
I can't wait to see how they all do!!
Mr. F :-)
My chia head's hair is yellow :}
That is because the chlorophyl is breaking down in a process known as chlorosis. This is why the Fall happens at this time of year in our area as the weather and sunlight changes.
He is going to be a blonde as long as we keep him in the closet in my classroom!
Do you think this will affect it's growth or will it do as well as the other plants?
Mr. F :-)
Mr. Forde, vilma Jr. is growing ALOT of hair and its long too hahaha i cant wait to check it and talk to it tomorrow=p
obviously vilma♥=]
This project was cool!! Kassie's hair grew so much.
i had sooo much fun with the project and my chia heads hair was also yellow...
i guess it was because mine was in the closet
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