

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Circ System - Study Jam!

You'll like this and learn a lot from it!!

Click Here!!

Mr. F :-)


Anonymous said...

This is funn and helpful good idea :)

Anonymous said...

I loved the video. I learned a lot from it, like that the pulmonary vein is the only vein that carries oxygen-rich blood. It's a great website for studying.


Anonymous said...

That was an interesting video. I saw the left and right sides of the heart and the arteries and veins connecting to them. I'm definitely going to use this website for studying.

Anonymous said...

I learned so many interesting things from the video that surprised me. I never knew that there were veins in the body that had oxygen rich blood in them and arteries that had oxygen poor blood in them. This website is definitely one I'm going to use to study for the circulatory system parts of tests.

Anonymous said...

Oops! The comment that isn't signed that is about the veins and arteries that don't carry what is expected of them (pulmonary) is mine.
