Hi to all incoming black team 7th graders!
(and all of you lurking 8 th graders)
Welcome to the blog. You'll be seeing a lot of this web page during the school year. I use it continuously to enhance and support my class. It is also an easy way to access me outside of class time and a great way to learn more on your own about the world of science.
Please note the links on the right. You'll find links to the black team page, homework hotline, and my cornell notes. (These will change over time.) I also post review game links and extension links.
Also, note at the bottom of this post where it is labeled "comment". Click there to leave a response to this message. Select "anonymous" and then you won't have to join blogger. Sign your name though, so I know who you are!
Our first unit will be ecology, which we will cover until early november, then we will learn about cells, genetics the human body and lastly food preservation/microbes.
Drop me a line to say hi ....and let's get this show on the road!
Mr. Forde

This is me!
Hey Mr. Forde just wanted to say hi. I hope you had a great summer. I bet your new advisory will love the Terrapin blog.
-lurking 8th grader (Sanju)
Thanks Sanju!
I miss my regular advisory lunatics!
I'll have to get used to my new group. They seem like great kids also! :-)
Take care!
Mr. F :-)
hi mr.forde!!!! :)
i wanted to say hi :D and to comment. i loved the alien song you showed us in class i even watched it again!!! it was so funny :D well i have to finish my hw. :(
see 2marrow
Hey Mr.Forde i told my mom about your blog and she thought that it was awsome !!!!! ;)
from your advisory
BYEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
hey mr. frode its rolland rosati
hey Mr.Forde
i hope u like ur new advisory
can't wait 2 c new things on ur blog.
a lurking 8th grader
Hey, Mr. Forde! Hope you miss last year's advisory lunatics.
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