

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Microscopists at Work!

Here are some of the students working hard on their microscope sketches of prepared slides of elodea! (A freshwater plant.)


Anonymous said...

what plant was it. it was blue but it wsnt a cell but it was different from what i would call a leaf mr forde.
what kind was it?????
i liked working with the microscopes though.
i wonder what would you see if you put a spot of blood in the slide and magnified it.
i wish we could do that but we cant but maybe we could get water from a pond and see the life in the pond that people dont normally see that would be cool to see mr forde. could we?????
louis salas

Principals' Partnership said...

Hey Louis!

We were looking at prepared slides of a fresh water plant called elodea. The colors came from dyes that were used in preparing the slide for viewing.

We will probably not look at prepared blood slides but we wil look at pond life when we receive some prepared slides.

I hope they arrive soon!

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

The microscopes were soo much fun! I am going to do the egg expeirment at home how long sould I do it for like a week or what??
Izabella P

Jim Forde said...

Hi Izabella!

If you want to reproduce the egg experiment you place the egg in vinegar for 1 to 2 days, in corn syrup (or another syrupy substance) for one day and then into water for 1 to two days. See what you fond out! Measure the circumference of the egg before you change the liquids.

This should demonstrate how a cel membrane works to let certain things in and other things out. You will be demonstrating diffusion and in the case of water crossing the membrane...osmosis!

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

the microscopes are fun.
mr forde can you give me the link tocamerons page?

Jim Forde said... I spelled cell wrong in my last posting! ARRRGH! YOu KNOW I can spell cell!

Sorry guys.

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

my dad works with mircroscopes all day for his job. i have one at home except there are 2 eyepieces instead of 1.

Steph S

Jim Forde said...

Hi Steph,

The two eye-piece scopes are binocular and create a 3-d image. I think it may be a dissecting scope. Ask your dad!

What does he do for a living?

All the best!

Mr. Forde :-)

Anonymous said...

Cells are very cool Mr.Forde. They're alomst like us! We have brains and they have nucleus's which acts like a brain. I learned that there are many parts in a cell and they work together. They have their purposes of being in a cell like the edoplasmic reticulum is the highway of a cell.

Jim Forde said...

Hi Catherine,

I am glad that you are enjoying learning about cells! They should be interesting to everyone as we are all made up of trillions of them!

See you at Scofield.

Mr. F :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Working with microscopes were awsome. One peice of a leaf could have so many details. I can't even imagine how many details there are in a animal. maybe we could do it sometime...

P.s Nice first picture LOL☺

-Michael Squires

Anonymous said...

they all work very nice and hard working. But one quick question? Where is the test review thing that you told us today about so i could studie and i need really big help.