

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week of 9/17

It was another interesting week in science class. We finished up with the last groups for the mealworm experiments on Monday. All lab reports were due on Friday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we learned about ecosystem organization and did a brief population study of the plants on one section of the Scofield campus. This gave us a chance to experience what a population census feels like and to see how biologists can estimate the population of some organisms that can be too numerous to count. (like clover plants)

On Thursday and Friday we turned our attention to food webs and energy flow in ecosystems. We then created a food web in the classroom by using yarn and critter cards. We covered the concepts of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers.

Next week we head to the tech lab to produce food webs utilizing data collected in last years bio-blitz! I hope they enjoy utilizing Inspiration software.

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night! :-)

Mr. Forde

ps- For a free trial version of Inspiration software go here!

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