Hi All,
It was another busy week in science class. This really was a week of chia head data collection! Every team (including those who had to re-start) are now collecting meaningful data at the beginning of each science class. There wil be a report from this experiment due in a couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted. Just try and continue to be meticulous about your data collection. Also, try and use metric units (mm and cm) instead of standard units (inches). One inch equals 2.5 cm, for those teams that need to convert there data.
Monday we continued our Deer Dilemma essays. I hope you found the time useful. I should have most corrected by Monday morning. So far they look great. I'll be talking to you more about them next week. Being able to communicate and defend you science ideas are important skills, along with using technical language to persuade others.
Tuesday was our "Discover Stamford" experience. I hope you found the Cove Island segment informative and fun. I enjoyed trying to teach you in the wind! Thanksfully, the rain helpd off for everyone! See
this link for more info on the Long Island Sound. See the previous posting for some images from the trip.
Wednesday brought the Deer Dilemma conclusion and the Notebook clean-up campaign. We concluded on
Friday by my issuing a grade for the vast majority of notebooks. Most looked very organized and received appropriately high grades. Trouble areas that were identified were headings for the cornell notes and data tables for the chia head experiments.
Next week is the final week of the quarter. We have a science assessment on Thursday. Don't let it upset you, but prepare by studying your science notes and reviewing any science sheets in your notebook. The topics for the test are the topics that we have been learning about so simply relax and do your best! :-) It does come from the city and all 7th graders in the city will take it. It is intended to help prepare our students for the coming
SCIENCE CMT. There will be one at the end of each quarter. It is my hope that whatever results come from this will help me become a better teacher.
All the best!
Mr. Forde :-)
ps- Sorry I miised the chance to do the "solja boy" at the school dance. My family required me to stay closer to home friday night. I'll be at the next one for sure and I hope you enjoyed it!