Hi all,
This week we learned about photosynthesis and created photosynthesis diagrams for homework. We also started our "Deer Dilemma" discussions. These will result in a persuasive letter written to a fictional DEP director who is advocating the reduction of deer in public parks due to over population issues. We will continue our work on this letter on Monday. I am hoping for a final draft of that letter on Wedsday 10/24.
In the mean time, we kept moving our chia-head projects forward. We are finally seeing growth on many of them! This is allowing us to start collecting measurement data. See the before and after images of one project above!
Here is BOB who gets spoken to "ad naseum" by a couple of my advisees!

Quick Note: Several teams had to re-start their experiments due to mold or excessive smell (which my advisory was not enjoying each day). We did set them up with alternative experiments which should be yielding data soon! We hope to keep these running for several more weeks. As I said to the kids, "failed experiments are NOT failures because we learn from them. That is how science works!" :-)
All the best!
Mr. Forde :-)
Is BoB yOuR aDvIsOrYs ChIa HeAd?
HaLeY aRgUeTa
Hi Haley,
Bob belongs to Melissa, Taylor and Ciara...if I am not mistaken. He has become quite a hit in our room.
Mr. F. :-)
Mr. Forde it belongs to Caitlin, Taylor, and I. Not Melissa....
Bob Rocks!!!!
Ciara Kilian
Does your room still smell bad? my group is getting really impateint with our chia head (Fizz.)we are going till November witih these porjects? at the end of this will we have to do a poster?
Steph with the long last name :)
Sorry Bob-o-philes...I mentioned the wrong owners!
Mr. F :-)
Hey Steph,
The room smells OK, but from time to time a plant does provide a strong odor to deal with. We will run for few a few more weeks and then write up the data. This wil give all groups a chance to get data they can use.
Mr. F :-)
ha ha _ thats pretty cool!!!
its very interesting how mr."F" chose this as an experiment. i know not many teahcers would take the risk of doing such an experiment. especially when your using different types of liquids such as:
•orange juice
•maybe vinegar and etc.
it can really stink up the room.
anyhow im looking forward to the results of these experiments.
thanx alot mr."F"
your the best♥
-Geralda L.
NiCe bOb i tHiNk iT iS So kOoL
oUr ChIa HeAd HaS BacK HaiR.
Our chia head (Raghav--he's in the back room because he's listening to music) has face hair! He's a werewolf!
I love how we are doing chia heads! Alot of other schools dont even do expeirments. Bob is soo cute!
izabella P
Mr. Forde..
you said Bob could be our class pet when the experiment is done. Can he really?
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