The past two weeks have been a non-stop CELL-ebration in science class. The two full days we had on 11/19 and 11/20 (prior to Thanksgiving) we spent drawing cell city analogies. We will be cleaning them up and grading them this week!
This past week we start interactive HYPER cells using hyperstudio software. When these are completed they will be clickable cells with lots of information about cell organelles!
Here are a couple of shot of kids working on their cells!
--> Next week we will have a cell/microscope test in science class. Please review you cell notes and anything we have in our notebooks since we started out new table of contents.
All the best!
Mr. Forde :-)
When is the last day to work on the hyper cell in the media center?
Are you staying after school on Tuesday??
Hi Steph,
I am sorry if I didn't make this clear on Friday, I will be available on Monday and Tuesday PM. We will also have one last day on the lab on Wed. and that will the fonal chance to get things done on your hyper-cell!
All the best!
Mr. Forde :-)
thanx, your link to the cornell notes online isn't working.
Oh i 4got to ask in the last post wether we will be tested on both plant and animals cells.
Steph s
Hi Mr. Forde,
I was just wondering when exactly the test is for science next week?
Catherine C.
Hi Steph and Catherine,
Valid questions! Due to the field trip next week to the art gallery, the test wil be given on two separate days.
•Summer/Tresser and 1/2 of Main will take the test on Tuesday.
•Hope/Washington and the other half of Main will take the test on Friday.
You will be responsible for the animal and plant cell parts. The main difference between the two being the large vacuole, the cell wall, and the choloroplasts found in the plant cell.
I hope this helps!
Mr. F :-)
Thanks for letting me know Mr. Forde!
my pleasure!
mr. f :-)
For the test will you give us the same picture of the microscope like before or will it be different??
Melissa m
Hi Mel,
The image on the test will be very similar, but not identical to, the one used earlier. I think you will find it a reasonable copy. If you review your diagram in your ISN you will habve NO difficulty with the questions related to it.
See you in the AM...I hope there won't be a delay due to slippery conditions.
Mr. F :-)
nice cell pics. i could tell they had all been working really hard on everything
Thanks for putting up the jepordey game. The pictures are still not showing up but you said the diagram would be similar to the one on a sheet, Right? Did you say the last day we will be working in the media center (as a class) was wendesday?
mr Forde I love the elf it is sooo funny!!!
melissa m
het mr. forde i dont get that whole high powered wich is whatever times the number like on ur notes 10x x 40x= 400x
What is low powered wat is high powered and what is medium powered like the number for them like 100 10 or whatever.
Hi Steph and Gretta,
Use the diagram of animal/plant cell in the hand-out I provided. It will be fine. Sorry about the jeopardy glitch. It's a mac thing. far as the total magnification... the eyepiece is always 10x so.... you multiply 10x by whatever the objective lens is. so....if you are on low power it is eyepiece x low power OR 10x x 4x = 40x. If you are on medium power it is 10x x 10x = 100x. If you are on high power is is 10x x 40x = 400x.
If this doesn't help let's talk in the AM about this some more.
Mr. F :-)
these pictures look very organized and well thoght out. the cell projects came out looking very nice and organized. These cell projects helped me understand that there is a lot of parts in a cell. That the cell in an animals is very diffrent then the cell in a human. Mr.forde what i am getting confused is one question on the test. "What is the total magnification of the medium power objective"?
Can you answer this for me and explain ti to me please. Thank you Mr. forde
Hi Yuliana,
When they show diagrams of cells they usually label them animal or plant cells. The animal cells represent those cells you would find in any animal (including humans) as opposed to those that are plant cells, found only in plants.
The total magnification of a microscope is found by multiplying the power of the eyepiece (which is usually 10x on our school microscopes) by the objective lens power. When you are on low objective lens power, which is 4x and you multiply it by the eyepiece power which is 10x the total will be 40x.
Let's talk more tomorrow.
Mr. Forde :-)
I look at all ur pages it was interesting
Sephora sano
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