Do you think what we are learning is not related to the real world? Check out this article from TODAY in Scientific American magazine!
Click here to read about Yucca Mtn debate!
Mr. F :-)
ps- extra credit opportunity for anyone who briefly summarizes the article
The Yucca Mountain article is about the present day issue of deciding where to store the U.S.'s nuclear waste. Yucca Mountain isn't an impossibility, but people are considering against it because of the seismic activity and water issues. Many states do not want the nuclear waste to be stored around them, or even have transportation routes passing through their state. The issue has been of even more concern, both scientifically and politically, after the Japan incident, and the U.S. already contains more waste than Yucca Mountain's maximum capacity.
I think that it is very interesting that something we studied in science is in the current news and is being intensely studied by scientists in the real world, and I found the article very interesting.
Nicole <333
This article is mainly about the struggle of deciding where to store U.S. nuclear waste. People are arguing where to put the waste since Yucca mountain always has seismic activity and problems with water. The worst thing though is that no states have offered any interest in making a repository for holding the waste permanently, even the ones that already holding some of the waste. They are also concerned because lots of the states don't want the nuclear waste being stored around them or even have transportation routes passing through their state. In the end many people would agree that ever since the Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster lots of people are worried about nuclear waste problems.
I think it's kind of cool that we studied about Yucca Mountain and there's this debate going on in the news about where should they put all the waste and being studied by all kinds of scientists.
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