Thanks so much for all of the GREAT postings over the looong weekend. I know that several of you are hving textbook problems.. Maybe this post will help. If not...lets talk at school.
The address for the text book is It should look like this when you get there.

Then you click on the blue/green button that says "online textbook" on the right.
Now you enter the id and password in the spaces (see below).

The next screen you should see is below. There are obviously two text books available. We are using the life science one. The unit we are in is "Studying People Scientifically" so click on that heading.

Once you click on the right topic you will see our lesson titles, "Saving Fred" etc. Click on the Saving Fred title and it will download a PDF file directly to you computer called ebook.pdf.

File management on your computer can become an issue. I would start a folder on your computer called "7th grade science" and save the pdfs into that folder. You should 'save as" and rename them something better, live "savingfred.pdf" so they are easier to access later.
I hope this helps! :-) Let's talk in class tomorrow.
Mr. F :-)
Thank You Mr.Forde It really helped. I printed out some of the TB so it is easier.
thanks mr forde i actually got to the website this time
I'm glad this helped. It is a little complicated at first.
Mr. F :-)
thanks now i am able to get to the website it seems easy but now i wonder why it was hard for me to get there hahahahaha
If anyone is still having problems with the online textbook please see me asap.
Mr. F ;-)
the pics dont show up on my computor though. but it's ok i can still read the words and problems
Mr. Forde my computer wouldn't let me use the textbook to do my homework
Mr. Forde my computer wouldn't let me use the textbook to do my homework
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