Hi Guys!
I am sorry you had to have a headache yesterday. (lightly sweetened lemonade) I think it was a great SIMULATION of a CLINICAL TRIAL. It also allowed us to learn more about the effects of a PLACEBO. Now, remember, a placebo is used to ensure that the cure is coming from the medicine and not some other source. That's why they use them in these kinds of studies. I am also sorry that so many of you suffered side effects! :-)
Today we will be poking each other with toothpicks in another human experiment...fun fun fun! :-)
Mr. F :-)
I think this was a really cool way of introducing to us a clinical trial and a placebo. Thanks for the lesson!
- Richard I.
i have a question about the vocab hw. where do we write the vocabury? front or back of our binders?
I loved the sweet lemonade and am glad I didn't get the placebo because I was really thirsty. Kellie was very thirsty too but she got the placebo :( I feel bad for her. Poking people was fun, too, but really, really wierd.
Nicole :)
Hi Mr. Forde!
I loved the headache experiment; I am so happy to have gotten the medicine, because the headache wasn't very tasty. I was CURED!
~Tanu~ :)
Both the headache and the medicine tasted good
Even though I had the placebo I enjoyed it, it was really thirsty and I didn't care what I got. I was just really thirsty. Also poking was fun but then getting poked wasn't. Overall I liked the 2 experiments.
-Hamza Qadri
hi mr.ford i like ur website
I was in the placebo group :( it tasted good, and sour.(just the way i like it.)I was thirsty so I really didn't care. Also, I got the sweet lemonade in advisory :P!!
I liked the experiment. Now I understand what a placebo is
The Pink lemonade was good i like how u tricked the others with food coloring
The Pink lemonade was good i like how u tricked the others with food coloring
I couldn't find the vocabulary definitions anywhere in the sepup site.
Alex R.
your funny Mr. Forde
Thanks everyone!
Alex.... if you open the chapter that we are studying (like "finding the nerve") then you can read the paragraphs and find the definitions in the text.
Does that help??
Mr. F :-)
i loved the placebo expiriment <3
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