The quiz tomorrow is on the stages of mitosis. You will be shown cells in various stages and you are to guess if there are in Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase or telophase.
For example, what phase do you think this cell is in?

If you said, Metaphase (because the chromosomes are lined up) then you were correct!
Good Luck,
Mr. Forde :-)
for the science test do we have to know what each phase does; like will we have to write down what it does or are you just going to show us pictures and we will have to know what phase it is.
Melissa m
The quiz was awesome! The song was better, though. I'm going to have it stuck in my head for weeks!
this is obviosly metaphase!
the test was easy i didnt heve to study because that song really helped!
Haley Argueta
that metaphase right?
Steph S
Hey mr.Forde I remember that slide from the test. by the way what type of cell is that?
Hi All,
I am glad you enjoyed the quiz and the Mitosis song! I promise to put one r two of the videos on the blog this weekend. Stop by to see the great mitosis song performances!
All the best!
Mr. Forde :-)
ps- Deepali, I am not exactly sure which animal the cell is from but it could be fish embryo cells.
The test was easy since u thaught us the song it really helped me! =]
The song really helped.
Tricia S
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