Friday, January 21, 2011

Eggciting Eggperience!

This is the EGG speriment.

Beaker #1 had diet coke... it cracked open but showed that some sode entered the cell.
Beaker #2 had corn syrup... the egg became VERY wrinkled and much smaller and floppier.
Beaker #3 had water... in which the egg didn;t appear to change much (maybe a tad bigger)

Even with these qualitative result we may be able to draw some conclusions. What do you think is going on here? How does it relate to the cell membrane and it's important job for the cell?

Mr. F :-)


  1. it is an eggciting eggpiriment. it looks a bit disgusting but who knew that would happen to an egg????


  2. I'm Sorry!!


  3. This is one Egg-Mazing job but I agree It looks a little gross but very EGGY


  4. The experiment smelled reeeeeaaaallllllllyyyyyy bad! But it was cool at the same time. I think that in the corn syrup, the cell membrane let some of the cell's contents leave the cell, because the egg got smaller. In the water, I think the cell membrane let a small amount of water enter the cell, because the egg got a tiny bit bigger. This relates to the important function of the cell membrane because the cell membrane of the cell has to decide what can enter and leave the cell.


  5. Why does bacteria always grow on the surface of liquids, rather than in the liquid itself?

  6. Hey Mr.Forde what's going to happen to those eggs if one of them someone spilled it for accident? What are we going to do?!

    -Dereck :I
