Friday, January 21, 2011

Blood type testing (simuation)

This experiment simulated blood type blood testing.

It appeared that certain cups clumped. Whata did that mean? Why would this happen in the human body and why would it be VERY bad for you if it did?

Mr. F :-)


  1. thats me!!!! with amanda and andrea. that was one cool expiriment! just cant wait to do another one like that.


  2. BLOOD I dont like looking at blood it seems weird to me


  3. If it clumped it meant that the donor's "blood" wasn't compatible with the person's receiving it. If that happened to somebody for real, they would probably die.

  4. In the experiment, if the "blood" clumped, then it meant that the donor's "blood" thought that the new "blood" was a foreign invader, and went to attack it. If this happened in real life, a person would get blood clots in their blood vessels and most likely die.


  5. So, if I were a blood donor and the doctors accidentally gave someone the wrong blood type (mine), then would I be killing the patient, or the doctor?

  6. I liked this experiment that we we're doing I would like to do that experiment again!!! I like doctors to give me thoes shots shots because they give me a lolipop, and I like lolipops!!!

    -Dereck ;P
