Sunday, November 2, 2014

Canned Food Drive starts Wednesday!

Let's do what we CAN to help those in need!

Mr. F :-)


  1. Mr. force what is the definition for respiratory system please answer this is my only trouble in the project.

  2. The body system that allows you to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This occurs in the alveoli in you lungs.

    Mr. F :-)

  3. Mr. Forde, On the lab report format the last part (analysis of results) does not make sense to me. It asks about the breathing rate during rate during exercise when our experiment was testing heart rate after drinking Coca-Cola. How should I answer this for my lab report? Ben Ehret

  4. Hi Ben,

    I should say "heart rate" so sime respond by addressing the effect on heart rate that is found in your data.

    Forget about "breathing" rate.

    Mr. f :-)

  5. I dont get what to put for my title and group name isnt that a group name??!?!

  6. Hey quenetta!

    Title--- feel the beat. (don't worry abt group name)

  7. Thank you-quenetta

  8. What do we put for the procedure

  9. You write your procedure.... Step 1, step 2 etc. I shuld be able to reproduce your experiment by following your EXACT directions. Mr. F :-)
