Ths students came up with some very interesting independent variables to test. they controlled several variables and went for it! They tested the effects of music, balancing an object, standing on one leg, taping their hands and more! Very creative work!!
Here are some images from the class.
I am proud of your work today!
Mr. F :-)
i should have thought of balancing something on one hand while catching for the experiment.-khadija d
I don't get our homework. Do we write the advantages and disatvanages of our decision or the advantage and disadvantages of the study...brianna
hey, i went home and googled relaxin and i found out that it actually is a hormone first described my Fredrick Hisaw, here's the link
Hi there.... It is the advantages or disadvantages if the study your group decided in.
What should I study for the test
what should i study for the test on tuesday
I see my self
Sephora sanon
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