Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What is a placebo?

In our headache experiment we gave half of the students a placebo?

What does that mean?

Why would someone ever feel better if they receive one in a clinical trial??

Mr. F :-)


  1. It's a fake medicine I loved what we did in class today you are awesome mr. Forde!!!!!!!!!!
    Will Bruno

  2. that was a really fun experiment we did today!!!

    Ashleigh L:)

  3. I wasn't part of the placebos but the person next to me(Jordan b) had a funny face after they drank both of the cups! haha :D

    -Lauren R.

  4. That was a really fun experiment!

    you are awesome!

    ~Alex F.:)

  5. The placibo expisemet was very fun and that i leared that in a clinical trial its a 50 50 chsnce you can get a placibo wich as you know (becouse you tought it to us) is a suger pill so sientice can see if there is a differeince

    Renzo Sanchez
