Monday, May 9, 2011

Group A - water testing unit!


  1. This is so cool. It must be really fun! I'm going tomorrow, so I'm really looking forward to it.
    ~Swathy =]

  2. I think we will have a great time

  3. haha cool! I took those pictures :D


  4. hey Mr.Forde you should of added in the homework hotline for today that we had to clean up our vocab section... I almost forgot that I had to do that. So just reminding you that you should put clean vocab instead of saying no homework. I checked and I almost forgot to clean my vocab. The vocab is short is only 1 page because there wasn't that much of vocabularies to work on, there is only like about 15 or 14 vocabularies words we all have to search for.

    - :Dereck Note smiley face in my name!!! :D. I hope you could change that.
