Sunday, November 7, 2010

The week of 11/1

We started off the week by handing in our "Feel the Beat" lab reports and then inheriting one million dollars from our Great Aunt Lily! We had to decide how we would spend the money. Should we donate to education, research or treatment organizations? I have been enjoying reading your two paragraph essays on the choices and trade offs.

We then explored pumps to learn more about how they work and how they may relate to the human heart. Here is a team investigating a pump and discovering how to make it work best.

Here is a scientist sharing her theory of what she thinks is happening inside of a pump to make it work at our class interactive whiteboard (thanks GE!).

It was a wet but interesting week in science class!


  1. It was a lot of fun last week! And Mary is working really hard in that picture :)


  2. We skipped activity 22 right?
    Elizabeth Sosnovskiy :-)

  3. Don;t forget the point of the lesson the valves keep things flowing in one direction! :-)

    Lub Dub

    Mr. F :-)

  4. The way the pumps worked in the experiment was so confusing until you told us how the valves worked in the end.

