Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bromothymol Blue?

These two kids are blowing into a solution of bromothymol blue.

What do you think will happen next?
What does this indicate?
Why will it happen?
What will happen if we leave the flask to sit overnight?

Sorry I had no pictures of us...I was to busy during the lesson! :-)

Mr. F :-)


  1. I wish I got to blow, but my teammates wanted to do it! Seeing the color change because of CO2 was awesome!


    P.S. The new blog format is awesome

  2. Are those pictures from last year's black team, Mr. Forde? Is that the experiment we did, except that we did them with the plastic bags?


  3. I am from a different school and we did the same experiment except with different independent variables. I think you should try putting CO2 in and seeing what happens.
