Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Test Tomorrow!

Make sure you review all notebook contents and your vocab section for tomorrow's test! I would look at the on-line notebook for ALL diagrams and any BOLD PRINT words!

Good Luck!

Mr. F :-)


  1. I hate tests! I hope this will be easy. I'm studying a lot of the T.B. online and I went through my vocab. I'll review my notes too.


  2. Can u tell me whats gonna be on the test

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I've studied, so I'm not nervous for the test tomorrow, but I will admit that a test is a test, and I can't wait for it to be over.


  4. mr forde i just went through the powerpoint and my notes. i still need to go on the online text book.

    Susana Cevallos:)

  5. yes we have a science test tomorr:(.I am so happy jk. Did every one study???


  6. test! test! ALERT! Thanks mr Forde for the advice.

    -Moises your student

  7. im studying now gonna get an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! A's rule.
    p.s. SSTUDYING RULE!!!!!!!!!! =)

  8. Hi Mr.forde does the sheet you gave us help me with the quiz
    -Joseph Magnifico

  9. Obviously, I can't tell you what is on the test but I am sure you were prepared!

    Regardless of how you do, I am VERY proud of you all for working so hard in science class.

    I can't wait to start the human body unit!

    Mr. Forde :-)

  10. Wow Mr.Forde that test waseasy i was cramming for it and turns out it was'nt that hard!

  11. The test was actually really easy. I was worried for nothing. It's probably because you're such a great teacher, Mr. Forde!


  12. this was suprisingly easy! now ive go to go and study for Social Studies! SO MANY TESTS!!!!!

  13. First the math test, then the science test, and on Friday we have a test in social studies!!!! I hope for a relaxing weekend!

    - Richard

  14. Well alhough an 83 is not the best i think thats pretty good for a science test considering i always find them hard. i guess your just such a great teacher m. forde and you made it feel so easy. keep up the good work mr. forde


  15. I GOT A 94!!!! i thought i was going to do worse than that. this test seemed really easy.

  16. I got a 96 with one dumb mistake.(No it was not forgetting to put my name) But I'm still happy with it.
