Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Data Toss - day 1


  1. We didn't get to throw the spiky balls at each other yet, but it seems like it is going to be an exciting experiment. I can't wait to go outside today and conduct the experiment!


  2. The tossing today was really fun!
    I can't wait to see what everybody else is doing for the new experiment!

    - Richard Ira

  3. We do a lot of fun stuff in science. It seems wierd to say that we played catch with spiky balls in class, but we are really learning about studying people and collecting data by doing this.

    Nicole :D

  4. The throwing and catching was a really fun activity! I can't wait till Friday to see all the crazy new experiments people are going to do.

    -HaMzA qAdRi™

  5. that waz really fun in science that day, especially because i was in the video!

    *Kayleigh* :)

  6. this was an experiment. like we had to see what different abilitys are ! :) - briana p

  7. lol- yep that is your living mr forde:) - briana p

  8. It kinda is the best job to play around with the students your lucky
    mr forde

