Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Muscle Experiment Lab Reports

Hi Students!

Here is a list of the items I expect in your Muscle lab write up:

1) A title (on the cover of the report)

2) Your testable question (from your Think Sheet)

3) Your prediction (from your Think Sheet)

4) Materials

5) Procedure

6) Data Chart (from your think sheet...back side

7) Graph (done in excel or on graph paper)

8) Conclusion (What did you learn? What were the sources of error? Did your result match your prediction?)

This should be done in a report format. NO POSTERS. Keep it simple.

THe due date is 4/5/10


  1. do we need the independent and dependent variables?

  2. Hi There,

    I am not requiring it but it would be nice if you did add them.

    Remember that the dependent variable is often the source of data that you are collecting. (D for Data!)
    IN this experiment it is usually the number of reps for an exercise or the amount of time you can do something.

    The independent variable is often the change you are making or looking at. In some cases it is drinking water, wearing a blind fold or simply looking at the data as boys vs. girls etc.

    I hope this helps!

    Mr F :-)

  3. when we graph the data, should we average out the times and graph that? i was in the wall sit group and had a lot of different times. i tried to graph it with all the seperate times, but it got confusing. what should i do?
    -kaitlyn g

  4. Hi Kaitlyn,

    I think you should be able to graph each data point. I assume you have 10 - 12 pieces of data in time form? See me in the Am and we can work on the spreadsheet if there is a formatting issue in excel. We'll work it out together.

    Mr. F :-)
