Click Here for the lab report guidelines. Or see them below!
You did most if the work on the lab sheet in class. You collected your data on Friday.
Now you must create a bar graph of your data and and write a conclusion as per the description on the sheet above.
Best of luck and let me know how I can help.
Mr. F :-)
What does Mr. Forde want to see in the data toss experiment lab report?
1) Cover Page- Title of the Experiment should be centered and name, group should be in the lower right side of the paper. (5 pts.)
2) The Question: What were we trying to find out? Write your testable
question. (5 pts.)
3) The Hypothesis: What did you think was going to happen
and why? (5 pts.)
3) The Materials: What did we use during the experiment. (5 pts.)
4) The Variables: What were the Dependent and Independent
Variables? (10 pts.)
5) The Procedure: List the steps that we took to set-up and continue the experiment. (10 pts.)
6) The Data: Include the data table from your lab experiment. This will need to be re-written or typed. (20 pts.)
7) Data Analysis: Create a bar graph of the data collected daily. Must be done on graph paper or EXCEL. (20 pts.)
8) Conclusions: What did you learn by doing the experiment?
Did the results support your hypothesis? What were the possible sources of error? This should be 8 to 10 sentences! (20 pts.)