Here is the new baby terrapin hatched at Soundwaters! Isn't it cuuuute! :-) Let's do all we can to ensure that these amazing creatures are protected and have every chance to remain a part of our LI Sound ecosystem!
Click Here to check in on SoundWaters blog and see how the baby diamondback terrapin is doing over the next few weeks.
Mr. Forde :-)
Hi Mr. Forde do the containers you asked us to bing in have to have lids on them? I can't believe the baby terripen was that small.
Hi Jake!
No lids is fine....I am also amazed with how fragile they eare when they are first born! It is a wonder that any of them make it to aduthood.
Mr. F :-)
Hi Mr. Forde,
Awww, the baby terrapin is adorable and so small!! I can't believe it. I hope it makes it all the way to adult-hood.
Well, with our help and the help of SoundWaters I think that the terrapin has a really good chance of making it!
Mr. F :-)
Hey Mr. Forde,
That baby terrapin is SO small i would be afraid to hold it thinking i would crush it!
hi Mr.Forde i cant believe the baby terrapin is so small and cute! I cant wait till i have a chance to go see it!!!! I hope it makes it to be an adult! :p
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it's so cute
Devon P:}
Hi Mr. Forde
That babt terripen was so cuuuuute but yet so delecate i would be soo afraid just to put my finger on it knowin you lexi you probably won't
Jillian Silano :-)
hi mr. forde:
i learned and played the terrapin games, good to learn vocab. it was fun
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