Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Food Preservation Explained

Here is the video we used in class.

Click Here

Click on the right to see more about how nasa preserves food for astronauts and leave me a comment!

Extra credit??

Mr. Forde :-)


  1. I watched the video " The challenges of Providing Food in Space." I was surprised that there were so many problems just about food like, preparation time, preparation tools, nutrition, and weight. There were so many packaged food that needed no refrigeration, just room temperature. I liked this video..

    -Sanju :)

  2. this video had a lot of good information!!


  3. Dear Mr.Forde,

    You should really write something on the blog in summer! I keep checking it and there is no new stuff (I bet other people are checking it too). It would be great if you did!
