Thursday, November 20, 2008

Real life FURBY?

HI All!

Here is a picture of a recently rediscovered primate that looks just like a furby and fits in one hand!

Click on this linkto find out more!

Mr. F :-)


  1. Aww Thats furby is so cute i didnt realizze furby was an actual animal i just thought it was a brand.

  2. Oh Yeah I saw this on Yahoo. I read about it. Oh and I remember furbies, those old toys.


  3. I also read it on yahoo! and it said that the furby actually bit one of the scientist. They found 4 but they could only catch three


  4. they are so cute

    Kim N

  5. cool i cant believe they resemble furbies that much. eight decades is a lot of years not seeing a animal no wonder they thought it was extinct. I wish i had one as a pet they are so cute
    -Alex B.

  6. awww the furby is so cute! i use to love those toys when i was younger. i wish i could have one.


  7. awwww he is so adorable i wish that i could have one for a pet. do they bite??


  8. Those are so cool! They sort of resemble one of the little finger monkeys. I wish i had one of them as a pet!

    Steven B.

  9. Those are so cool! They sort of resemble one of the little finger monkeys. I wish i had one of them as a pet!

    Steven B.

  10. Yeah i saw this on AOL News. They looked like little keychains. I used play with them when i was little. They are so cute!

  11. The furby looks just like a smaller cat
