Sunday, August 24, 2008


This year in Mr. Forde's Advisory we will be focusing on helping our local environment by providing assistance to the SoundWaters organization.

You may them as the group with the great 3-masted schooner and the cool house you can visit at Cove Island Park.

There are so many ways to help. What do you think would be a good way to assist Soundwaters?

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

Mr. F :-)

ps- The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County was an awesome advisory topic last year but anohter advisor will take over that topic! We can still help them also! :-)


  1. I have been in a number of Soundwaters programs over the years. Out of school we could volunteer at one of their events or help on a clean up day. I know a coastal clean up day is coming up on Sept. 20. In school we could make posters or collect something they need for one of their programs.

  2. I have been part of many Soundwaters programs over the years. Out of school we could volunteer at an event or clean up. In school we could make posters for events or about ecology to hang in the school or we could collect something they need for their programs.

  3. I like the idea of the big kick off at the 9/20 event!

    Let's talk more about that in advisory!

    Mr. Forde :-)
