Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Watch Solar Eclipse on Nasa TV!

HI All!

ON August 1st from 6 - 8 AM there wil be live coverage of the solar eclipse on nasa TV! I know it is Summer and that is pretty early but this will be cool! Get up and check it out!

Click HERE to see NASA TV!!

Post a coment if you get to see it!

Mr. F :-)


  1. Hey Mr. Forde!
    I was going to see it, but I was in Scotland on a very cloudy day. A friend of min flew all the way back to the US from Asia to see it!
    - Cam

  2. Wow...that sounds like a great trip!

    I'm sorry you didn't get to see it.

    Enjoy the rest of the Summer!

    Mr. F :-
