Saturday, March 29, 2008

Metric Enrichment

Hi All,

My enrichment class for the past two weeks revolved around metric measurement. It is a very important skill for eighth grade and for the coming sciencve CMT test. Please consider playing the following metric games to work on your skills!

Try These games.

Great Metric System info

Try this quiz

Mr. F :-)

Some kids hard at work!


  1. I really enjoyed doing this activty mr. forde. I learned how to get at eye level to see where the minskisk line is and i know i think i spelled that wrong Deepali

  2. hey mr.Forde,
    I just took a test on Earth day and i ended up having 5 earths.I think what I could of done better is to recycle a little more paper.

    from, ms.ross' class
