Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gov. Rell and DNA!

HI All!

We discussed this in class. Read the following article and tell me how you feel about the role of DNA in crime fighting!

Click here for the article.

What are the pluses? Are there any possible minuses?

Mr. F :-)


  1. I fell really sorry for the person who got put in jail for 16 years when he didn't do the chime. Hopefully that wont happen again with the help of checking peoples DNA

  2. That was a terrible situation. I am also glad for the role that DNA played in freeing that inocent man.

    Mr. F :-)

  3. doesn't it say he was put in jail for 18 years ? not 16

  4. Hi Mr Forde it's Lindsay Iwas just wondering if you could tell me how hard the test is Because it was short notice and i was wondering.

    Lindsay Green

  5. it kinds stinks for the guy but can't he like sue some for it?

  6. for the test do we have to know how many chromosomes dogs, cats, and pea plants have? how much do we have to know about DNA for the test?
    Steph S

  7. Hi All,

    If you have been doing your homework (punnett squares etc. ) and review your notes in your KSN you should be fine. This will not be a big test. It's just a review to see how everyone is doing.

    I'm thnking 20- 25 minutes??

    Mr. F :-)

  8. Thank you Mr. Frode for telling me. I konw theis so well and it's a lot of fun like the DNA makeing thing.

    Lindsay Green

  9. Sorry...not ksn...ISN (interactive science notebook).

    Mr. F :-)

  10. do we have to know how many chromosomes dogs, cats, and pea plants have?

  11. Hi There!

    I would know that not all organisms have the same number but I wouldn't memorize the numbers. Also, it is nice to realize that organisms that are simpler than humans can have a lrger number of chromosomes!

    Mr. F :-)

  12. I think that it is about time that such a law be passed. I've heard of numerous times when a person goes to jail for 10- 15 years and then they find out that the person was wrongly accused. I think that this bill should be passed to stop the courts from ruining peoples life's. I am glad that DNA played a part to solve this crime, but so much about genetics is still unanswered and who knows what other ways DNA and genetics can help improve our life's.
    Gunjan H

  13. i wish i was here to do the candy thing...oh well
    we're just learning homozygous or whatever it's called and punett squares
    but we finished genetics

    miss all of you,
    Catherine Z.
