source- biology
Hi All,
From a focus on cells to a focus on the genetic material within the cell that makes us who we are!
Fo fun try the link below and select the building DNA activity. This will teach you more about the structure of the DNA molecule.
Build DNA
You may try the others also, but they may be a bit complicated until we cover the concepts in class.
All the best and see you soon!
Mr. Forde :-)
Once you've tried building DNA post a comment here!
Mr. Forde :-)
i kinda get the first level of the game but the others seem harder. when are we going t olearn more about this
steph S
is the DNA picture the one from todays notes?
I have a question about the h.w, is it ok if i do the data not in a chart? for example
Windows Peak-yes
Attached ear lobe-no
Hi Steph!
We will be learning about all of this over the net few weeks!
Mr. Forde :-)
Hi Izabella,
It is OK to use a chart for your genetics data. See if you can total the data for each category also. What I mean is, out of the 10 people you studied how many had windows peak and how many didn't?
Good question.
Mr. Forde :-)
I played it it was pretty confusing because i did it before the notes
John Benalcazar
the game was sort of fun.
it got annoying on all three at a certain point. but overall it was an ok game.
louis salas
Hey John and Louis,
Thanks for trying the games. You are right, the more you know about genetics the easier the game. I think sometimes it is ok to expose yourself to science ideas before seeing them in class. This way you can see them in a different way.
See you tomorrow!
Mr. Forde :-)
This helped me understand genes a little better, specifically genetic engineering. - Cameron
I didn't build DNA, but I played the traits game. I like the part with the beetle heads.
Whoops, I forgot to include the link- Cameron
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