Monday, November 12, 2007

Final Look at the Chia Heads!

We'll be writing up this experiment this week! Here is a look at some of the final products!


  1. this experiment was alot of fun!
    haley argueta

  2. I am glad you enjoyed it haley!

    Let me know if you need any help doing the write up...which is due on the 20th.


    Mr. Forde :-)

  3. Chia Heads were so fun. by the way nice picyures!

    izabella p

  4. this was a fun project but i wish i cold have used an invasive species then it would have been better having two species of plants fight for a plot of land.
    the plants reacted in different way to their enviorent from cold to hot but the effects were the same but real life is different.
    how did the grass grow in the conditons we put it in but in the wild they would die if exposed to the things we did to it, or possibly live which is a strange but true possiblity.
    louis salas
