Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week of 9/24

Hi All!

This past week we worked in the media center on our "Inspired" Scofield Food Webs! Using Inspiration we placed producers, and primary, secondary and tertiary consumers in a complex web! The organisms we used were identified by scofield students during the 6th grade bio-litz last June. They look great and re-inforced some key concepts in our ecology unit.

Here are some hard working students in the media center!

Test Alert!! Later this week (thurs/fri) we will have our first formal ecology test. Students can start to prepare by reviewing the cornell notes in their ISN.

Also, it was really great to see such a large turn-out at open school night. What a great message that sends to your kids about the importance of school. Here is a link for my advisory parents to my PPT presentation from the evening. Even though it was brief, I hope you were reassured by what you heard. I am looking forward to a great school year!

Talk at you next week.

Mr. Forde :-)

1 comment:

  1. That food chain game is fun! If they made the owl more vicious, it would probably make it easier. Oh, well, it was fun! I recomend it!
