Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bronx Zoo Trip this Wed!

Hi Black Team!

I am REALLY looking forward to the Bronx Zoo trip this wednesday!


1) The Bronx zoo is the biggest metropolitan zoo in the United States
2) The Bronx Zoo has over 4,000 animals located on over 265 acres
3) That you may see the Reptile House, Congo Gorilla Forest or Jungle World during our trip?

This is going to be AWESOME!

Click on the map below for a view of the layout of the zoo!

I am writing this post from my lap top in Orlando's airport. I can;t wait to get back to work completing our human body unit and moving into our Food Preservation/Disease Unit.

See you soon!

Mr. Forde :-)

ps... I learned how to ride a Segway while I was in FLA> Check it out!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Great Turtle Race!

Click here for the great turtle race! From Canada to the Caribbean and South America, 11 turtles are racing across the Atlantic Ocean. Join us in following the 2009 Great Turtle Race!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bacteria can talk?

Watch this TED video to learn how bacteria comunicate with each other and how we may be able to stop bad bacteria from doing that and hurting us in the future!

Click Here

Kids Take you through the diestive system!

HI All!

I thought this was a cool tour through the digestive system by a couple of kid your age!

Mr. Forde :-)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

TMI about the SI!

I really wanted find a great photo of the Small intestine and found this great web page.

Click Here

It has some great photomicrographs of the Villi. Did you know that the villi have villi! That's right! Thy're called microvilli and you'll see them on the image at the middle of the page!

Don't forget your Feel the BEat projects are due tomorrow!


Mr. F :-)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mr. Forde @ NELMS!

Hi All,

I am in Providence this morning preparing to give presentation on how we use our (this) class blog. If ou have any additional comments or ideas post them here and I will share them with the group that attends my workshop. BE GOOD, feed the fish and I'll see you guys tomorrow! :-)

Mr. F :-)